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D20 Necklace ss necklaces Shadow Series Gold
front shot of the D20 Pendant in silver on a white background
D20 Necklace ss necklaces Shadow Series Gold
D20 Necklace ss necklaces Shadow Series Gold
front shot of the D20 Pendant in silver on a white background

D20 Necklace

$ 35.00
back view of the Zap pendant in silver on a white surface
back view of the Zap pendant in silver on a white surface
back view of the Zap pendant in gold on a white surface
back view of the Zap pendant in silver on a white surface
right side view of the Zap pendant in silver on a white surface

Zap Pendant

$ 40.00
left side shot of the Dice Pendant in gold on a white background
left side shot of the Dice Pendant in gold on a white background
left side shot of the Dice Pendant in gold on a white background
 side shot of the Dice Pendant in gold on a white background

Dice Necklace

$ 60.00
front shot of the D20 Pendant in silver on a white background
front shot of the D20 Pendant in silver on a white background
front shot of the D20 Pendant in silver on a white background
up close shot of the D20 Pendant in silver on a white background

D20 Necklace

$ 150.00
left angle view of the Robot Pendant in gold on a white background
left 3/4 view of the Robot Pendant in silver on a white background
left angle view of the Robot Pendant in gold on a white background
left angle view of the Robot Pendant in gold on a white background
front view of the Robot Pendant in silver on a white background

Robot Pendant

$ 245.00
left side shot of the Ray Gun Pendant in gold on a white surface
right side shot of the Ray Gun Pendant in silver on a white surface
left side shot of the Ray Gun Pendant in gold on a white surface
left side shot of the Ray Gun Pendant in gold on a white surface
right side shot of the Ray Gun Pendant in gold on a white surface

Ray Gun Pendant

$ 180.00
right angle view of the Arcade Machine Pendant in gold on a white background
front angle view of the Arcade Machine Pendant in silver on a white background
right angle view of the Arcade Machine Pendant in gold on a white background
right angle view of the Arcade Machine Pendant in gold on a white background
front angle view of the Arcade Machine Pendant in silver on a white background
up close shot of the Zap pendant in silver on a white surface
up close shot of the Zap pendant in silver on a white surface
up close back shot of the Zap pendant in gold on a white surface
up close shot of the Zap pendant in silver on a white surface
left side shot of the Zap pendant in silver on a white surface

Zap Pendant

$ 180.00
up close shot of the Dice Pendant in gold on a white background
left side shot of the Dice Pendant in gold on a white background
up close shot of the Dice Pendant in gold on a white background
right side shot of the Dice Pendant in gold on a white background

Dice Necklace

$ 300.00
up close shot of the Royal Flush Pendant in gold on a white surface
up close shot of the Royal Flush Pendant in gold on a white surface
up close shot of the Royal Flush Pendant in gold on a white surface
left shot of the Royal Flush Pendant in gold on a white surface
up close view of the Player 1 player 2 necklaces on a white background
up close view of the Player 1 player 2 necklaces on a white background
up close view of the Player 1 player 2 necklaces on a white background
right angle view of the Player 1 player 2 necklaces on a white background